Horseshoeing School vs. Farrier Courses
Deciding whether to go to a horseshoeing school or to just take farrier courses is a fairly straightforward decision that boils down to whether you want to learn the farrier trade or just want to learn a little so that you can do the basics.
Horseshoeing school
Horseshoeing school is for people interested in becoming a professional farrier. Intensive programs are intended to immerse students in the life of a farrier and to provide them with a fully-stocked tool belt of abilities to draw on over the course of a career. The training covers such fundamentals as trimming, forging, shoeing and sometimes includes an apprenticeship as part of the curriculum.
Farrier courses
Farrier courses can be as simple as a daylong workshop or a couple of weeks in length. Though taking individual courses can help you learn specific aspects of farriery, they cannot possibly provide you with the full range of skills that an intensive program at a horseshoeing school would provide.
If you’re a horse owner who wants to just learn the basics to take care of your own horse, taking a farrier course would be a wise choice. After all, why go through the expense of time and money to learn more than you need to know.
Farrier courses are also a good choice for someone who isn’t quite sure whether farriery is right for them and wants to test the waters first. It makes sense to try something out for a few days before committing for several months or years.
NEXT PAGE: Blacksmith School or Farrier School? >>
image 1: Sterling College
Can you send me information on your derrieres school
Would like to have & be sent information on Horseshoeing School. A list of tuition costs and breakdown of the courses lengths & online dates & requirements . I need to show my husband & he needs it in writing.
My address is:
15512 Richland Ct.
Catlettsburg, MY 41129
I really like how there is a whole program dedicated to giving future farriers experiences that they can draw from later on in their career! I mentioned this earlier, but my husband wants to be a farrier soon. I didn’t know there was a whole school that he could go to, I think he would do really well at that.